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Automotive Industry

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Eric Fitzpatrick

Business Unit Manager - Automotive, Bearing, and Gear

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Bearing Industry

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Eric Fitzpatrick

Business Unit Manager - Automotive, Bearing, and Gear

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Cutlery Industry

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Ron Linston

Business Unit Manager - Core Sales

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Composite Industry

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Eric Hatty

VP Commercial

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Electronics Industry

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Eric Hatty

VP Commercial

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Foundry Industry

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Joe Rex

Business Unit Manager - Primary Metals

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Gearing Industry

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Eric Fitzpatrick

Business Unit Manager - Automotive, Bearing, and Gear

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Medical Technology

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Neil Fehr

Business Unit Manager - Aerospace, Medical, and Cutting Tools

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Precision Mechanics

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Ron Linsten

Business Unit Manager - Core Sales

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Rail Machining

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Joe Rex

Business Unit Manager - Primary Metals

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Sports Industry

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Neil Fehr

Business Unit Manager - Aerospace, Medical, and Cutting Tools

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Steel Industry

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Joe Rex

Business Unit Manager - Primary Metals

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Steel and Plant Construction

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Haywood Easter

Business Unit Manager - Trade

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Turbine Industry

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Neil Fehr

Business Unit Manager - Aerospace, Medical, and Cutting Tools

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Tooling Industry

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Neil Fehr

Business Unit Manager - Aerospace, Medical, and Cutting Tools

Special projects customer


Solutions for the highest demands

In addition to an outstanding product, successful companies also expect process know-how and comprehensive consulting services from their partners.

Thanks to the practical knowledge of our application engineers, we offer sustainable solutions that meet the highest technical and economic requirements. Our application engineers work with customers to analyse the task at hand and draw up a requirements profile. Customised solutions are then developed and implemented on site at the customer's machine.

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