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Product information
FOCUR SA diamond cut-off wheels from TYROLIT are the optimum tool for machining grey and spheroidal cast iron. These products combine a long lifetime with maximum economic efficiency. FOCUR SA cut-off wheels are available in diameters from 178 to 600 mm.
FOCUR SA cut-off wheels have a lifetime up to 25 times longer than that of resin-bonded tools
Economic efficiency:
The increased lifetime of the FOCUR SA keeps tool changes to a minimum and therefore improves machine utilisation.
Working convenience:
Constant external diameters enable full utilisation of the depth of cut right up to the end of the wheel's life as well as reduced dust.
All the products from the FOCUR SA line conform to the DIN 13236 safety standard for grinding tools.
Abrasive Grain
- Diamond (D)
Bond Classification
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